
  • 職稱:理事長(Chairman)
  • 中文姓名:陳始明
  • 英文姓名:CM Tan


  • 教授(Professor) 兼主任(Director)


  • 長庚大學電子工程學系
    (Department of Electronics, Chang Gung University) / 可靠度科學和技術研究中心
    (Center for reliability sciences and technology)


現任職務 Current Positions:

  1. 長庚大學電子系 教授  Department of Electronics, Chang Gung University. Professor
  2. 長庚大學可靠性科學技術中心 主任 Center for reliability sciences and technology, Chang Gung University. Director
  3. 明志大學機械工程系 榮譽講座教授  Department of Mechanical Engineering, Ming Chi University. Honorable Chair Professor
  4. 林口長庚紀念醫院 研究員  Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Linklou Research
  5. 國際期刊主編(5名,包括IEEE)International Journals (5, including IEEE) Editors
  6. 新加坡政府認證委員會 評審員 Singapore Government Accreditation Council Assessor
  7. 新加坡品質機構 顧問小組 Singapore Quality Institute Advisor Panel
  8. 愛思唯爾出版商 顧問 Elsevier Publisher Advisor
  9. 2025 年 IEEE 國際奈米電子學會議主席 IEEE International Nanoelectronics Conference 2025 General Chair
  10. IEEE 國際可靠性物理研討會互連部分 主席 IEEE International Reliability Physics Symposium, Interconnect section Vice Chair
  11. IEEE 標準 1413 和 1624 技術委員會 IEEE Standards 1413 and 1624 Technical Committee
  12. IEEE EDS 碩士及博士生獎學金 評選委員會 IEEE EDS Master and Ph.D student fellowship Selection Committee
  13. IEEE EDS設備可靠性物理 委員會成員 IEEE EDS Device Reliability Physics Committee Member
  14. 多倫多大學 Prestige Lester B. Pearson 國際獎學金評審員 Prestige Lester B. Pearson International Scholarships, University of Toronto Assessor

歷任職務 Professional History:

  1. 長庚大學醫學院放射線研究所 客座教授 Institute of Radiology Research, College of Medicine, Chang Gung University Adjunct Professor
  2. 新加坡南洋理工大學電機與電子工程系 副教授 Department of electrical and electronics engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore Associate Professor
  3. 新加坡製造技術研究所 A*Star新加坡 資深科學家 Singapore Institute of Manufacturing Technology, A*Star, Singapore Senior Scientist
  4. 新加坡微電子學院 AStar新加坡 聯合教授 Singapore Institute of Microelectronics, AStar, Singapore Faculty Associate
  5. 新加坡特許半導體製造有限公司公司 品質保證經理 Corp. QA, Chartered Semiconductor Manufacturing Ltd, Singapore Manager
  6. 敦南科技台灣 晶圓製造 品質與工程經理 LiteOn Power Semiconductor Corp, Taiwan Wafer Fabrication, Quality & Engineering Manager
  7. 惠普新加坡有限公司 研發工程師 Hewlett Packard Singapore Ltd, Singapore R & D Engineer
  8. 快捷半導體新加坡 故障分析工程師 Fairchild Semiconductor (S) Pte Ltd, Singapore Failure Analysis Engineer

學術榮譽 Academic Honors:

  1. 新加坡品質學院 院士 Singapore Quality Institute Fellow
  2. 新加坡工程師學院 院士 Institute of Engineers, Singapore Fellow
  3. 瑞典國際先進材料學院 院士 International Association of Advanced Material, Sweden Fellow
  4. IEEE 電子設備協會可靠度 傑出講師  IEEE Distinguished lecturer on Reliability, Electronics Devices Society
  5. 出版了 14 本可靠性書籍 Author of 14 books in reliability
  6. Top 2% scientists in the World @stanford University (2021, 2022, 2023)
  7. Rank 37 among the Semiconductor Reliability Scholar in the World @ScholarGPS, 2024
  8. Rank 158 among the Reliability Engineering Scholar in the the World @ScholarGPS, 2024

  • 職稱:常務理事(Executive Directors)
  • 中文姓名:王嘉任
  • 英文姓名:Steve Wang


  • 副總經理(Vice President)


  • 四零四科技股份有限公司, Moxa Inc.


現任職務 Current Positions:

  1. 台灣 Moxa Inc. 副總經理 Moxa Inc. Vice President
  2. 品質長 Quality Management Div. Head

學歷 Degree:

  1. 清華大學工業工程與工程管理學系碩士  Master’s Degree in Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, National Tsing Hua University

工作經歷 Work Experience:

  1. 台灣 Moxa Inc. 資深經理、設計品質保證主管、零件工程師兼品質專案經理  Moxa Inc. Senior Manager, Head of Design Quality Assurance, Component Engineer & Quality PM
  2. Apple 經理、產品品質經理  Apple Manager, Product Quality Manager
  3. HTC 經理、設計品質管理/品質工程主管  HTC Manager, Head of Design Quality Management / Quality Engineering
  4. 明基科技 IT 部門體專案經理 BenQ Corporation SW PM, IT Dept.
  5. 台積電 先進工藝部專家 TSMC Specialist, Advance Process Dept.
  6. 普揚軟體公司 ERP部 軟體工程師  Proyoung Software Company Software engineer, ERP Dept.

  • 職稱:常務理事(Executive Directors)
  • 中文姓名:林群祐
  • 英文姓名:CY Lin


  • 教授(Professor)


  • 國立陽明交通大學電子研究所(Institute of Electronics, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University)


現任職務 Current Positions:

  1. 國立陽明交通大學 電子研究所 副教授 Institute of Electronics, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University. Associate Professor
  2. 台灣靜電放電防護工程學會 秘書長 (第12屆) Taiwan ESD Association. Secretary-General
  3. 台灣靜電放電防護技術暨可靠度技術研討會 議程主席 (第22屆) Taiwan ESD and Reliability Conference Technical Program Committee. Chairman

歷任職務 Professional History:

  1. 國立臺灣師範大學 電機工程學系 優聘教授 / 副教授 / 助理教授 Department of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan Normal University. Distinguished Professor / Associate Professor / Assistant Professor
  2. 台灣靜電放電防護工程學會 秘書長 (第5~11屆) Taiwan ESD Association. Secretary-General
  3. 台灣靜電放電防護技術暨可靠度技術研討會 執行秘書 (第9~21屆) Taiwan ESD and Reliability Conference. Executive Secretary

學術榮譽 Academic Honors:

  1. 發表超過百篇國際期刊和研討會論文 Published over 100 technical papers in international journals and conferences.
  2. 國際電機電子工程師學會 資深會員 IEEE Senior. Member
  3. 中國電機工程學會 優秀青年電機工程師
    The Chinese Institute of Electrical Engineering. Outstanding Young Electrical Engineer
  4. 國研院台灣半導體研究中心 優良晶片設計獎
    Taiwan Semiconductor Research Institute. Excellent Chip Design Award
  5. 第十八屆旺宏金矽獎 最佳指導教授
    The 18th Macronix Golden Silicon Awards. Best Advisor

  • 職稱:理事(Directors)
  • 中文姓名:鍾官榮
  • 英文姓名:KJ Chung


  • 教授(Professor)


  • 國立彰化師範大學機電工程學系(Department of Mechatronics Engineering, National Changhua University)


現任職務 Current Positions:

  1. 國立彰化師範大學 機電工程學系 專任副教授  Department of Mechatronics Engineering, National Changhua University of Education. Associate Professor
  2. 國立中興大學 合聘副教授  National Chung Hsing University. Associate Professor (joint appointment)
  3. 政府科研與產學合作 計畫主持人 與 企業品質與可靠度顧問 Principal Investigator for Government Research and Industry-Academia Collaboration Projects, and Consultant for Corporate Quality and Reliability
  4. Al與品質可靠度 資深顧問 Senior Consultant in Al and Quality Reliability
  5. 各大民間企業與法人(工研院、車輛研究與測試中心) 產品品質與可靠度分析管理 教育訓練講師 Quality and Reliability Analysis Management for major private enterprises and corporate entities (Industrial Technology Research Institute, Automotive Research and Testing Center). Also, an education and training instructor.

歷任職務 Professional History:

  1. 戴爾電腦 可靠度顧問 Dell Inc. Reliability. Advisor
  2. 台灣新竹科學園區矽品集團 (竹科分公司) 高級工程師 Silicon Integrated Systems Corp. (Hsinchu Branch), Taiwan Science Park. Senior Engineer

學術榮譽 Academic Honors:

  1. 超過50篇機電能源、先進封裝、可靠度工程與AI相關研究論文 Author of over 50 research papers in the fields of electromechanical energy, advanced packaging, reliability engineering, and AI
  2. 擁有12項發明專利 Holder of 12 invention patents
  3. IEEE(包裝與可靠性協會)會員  IEEE (Packaging & Reliability Society). Member
  4. 中華民國力學學會 會員 Chinese Society of Mechanics. Member
  5. 台灣實驗力學學會 會員 Taiwan Society of Experimental Mechanics. Member
  6. 擔任Microelectronics Reliability, J. of Electronic Materials,J. of Mechanics,Intermetallics,Optics & Laser Technology,International J. of Prognostics and Health Management 等國際期刊 Reviewer 及 數個國際研討會Technique Committee 
  7. Serving as a reviewer for international journals such as Microelectronics Reliability, Journal of Electronic Materials, Journal of Mechanics, Intermetallics, Optics & Laser Technology, International Journal of Prognostics and Health Management, and participating in several international conference Technical Committees.
  8. TAF 培訓 ISO/IEC 17025 證書 Certificate of ISO/IEC 17025 by TAF training

學歷 Degree:

  1. 美國馬里蘭大學(UMCP) 機械系可靠度工程 博士 Ph.D. in Reliability Engineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Maryland (UMCP), USA

研究領域 Research Field

  1. 產品品質與可靠度設計 Product quality and reliability design.
  2. 預估分析與驗證管理  Predictive analysis and verification management.
  3. 失效分析 Failure analysis.
  4. 先進封裝結構與製程設計 Advanced packaging structure and process design.
  5. AI機器學習應用 產品配方與製程參數優化,瑕疵檢測 Application of AI and machine learning for product formulation, process parameter optimization, and defect detection.
  6. 動力電池老化壽命預診 Diagnosis and prognosis of aging lifespan for power batteries.
  7. 風險預測與分析 (FMEA, FTA, ETA, RCA, etc.) Risk prediction and analysis (FMEA, FTA, ETA, RCA, etc.).
  8. 產品/設備品質與可靠度診斷監測與預診智能化 (AI-PHM) Intelligent diagnosis, monitoring, and prognosis of product/equipment quality and reliability (AI-PHM).

  • 職稱:理事(Directors)
  • 中文姓名:鄭順林
  • 英文姓名:SL Jeng


  • 教授(Professor)


  • 國立成功大學統計學系(Department of Statistics, National Cheng Kung University)


現任職務 Current Positions:

  1. 國立成功大學 統計學系 教授  Department of Statistics, National Cheng Kung University. Professor
  2. 中國統計學會學報 副主編  Journal of Chinese Statistical Association Associate editor
  3. 品質雜誌 副主編  Journal of Quality Associate editor

歷任職務 Professional History:

  1. 國立成功大學 微納科學與技術中心(CMNST) 行政組組長 Center for Micro/Nano Science and Technology(CMNST), National Cheng Kung University. Administrative Group Leader
  2. 東海大學 統計系 副教授 Department of Statistics, Tunghai University. Associate Professor
  3. 銘傳大學 統計系 助理教授 Department of Statistics, Ming Chuan University. Assistant Professor
  4. 國際品質、統計與可靠性期刊 副主編 International Journal of Quality, Statistics, and Reliability. Associate editor
  5. 奈米可靠性特刊 客座編輯 Special issue for Nano-reliability of IEEE Transactions on Reliability. Guest editor
  6. 東海大學軟體可靠度研究中心 研究員 Center of Software Reliability, Tunghai University. Researcher

學術榮譽 Academic Honors:

  1. 國際統計研究所會員  International Statistical Institute. Member
  2. 中國機率統計學會(CIPS) 會員 Chinese Institute of Probability and Statistics (CIPS). Member
  3. 中國統計學會(CSA) 會員 Chinese Statistical Association (CSA). Member
  4. 中華資料探勘學會(CDMS) 會員 Chung-hua Data Mining Society (CDMS). Member
  5. 在國際會議上發表了60 多場演講 More than 60 talks presented at international conferences.
  6. 發表SCI期刊論文約30篇 Published around 30 SCI journal papers

研究領域 Research Field

  1. 產品可靠度建模與分析 Modeling and analysis for product reliability
  2. 加速壽命測試與衰退資料分析 Accelerated life test and degradation analysis
  3. 巨量資料採礦與人工智慧機器學習 Big data mining and artificial intelligence machine learning
  4. 次世代測序基因生物資訊分析 Next generation sequencing gene bioinformatics
  5. 統計計算與統計模擬 Statistical computing and statistical simulation
  6. 金融指標預測與自然語言處理 Financial index prediction and nature language processing
  7. 半導體晶圓圖像分析 Wafer bin map analysis for semiconductor industry

  • 職稱:理事(Directors)
  • 中文姓名:翁紹仁
  • 英文姓名:SJ Weng


  • 教授(Professor)


  • 東海大學工業工程興經營資訊學系(Department of Industrial Engineering and Enterprise Information, Tunghai University)


現任職務 Current Positions:

  1. 東海大學 工業工程興經營資訊學系 教授 Department of Industrial Engineering and Enterprise Information, Tunghai University. Professor
  2. 東海大學 跨域創新學院 院長 College of Interdisciplinary Innovation, Tunghai University. Dean
  3. 東海大學 高階醫務工程與管理 碩專班主任 Master Program for Health Administration (EMHA) Department of Industrial Engineering and Enterprise, Tunghai University Chairman
  4. 醫療系統聯盟 秘書長兼執行長 Healthcare Systems Consortium (HSC) Secretary-General and CEO
  5. 中山醫學大學附設醫院 智慧醫療委員 Chung Shan Medical University Hospital Smart Healthcare Commissioner
  6. 尚立集團 獨立董事 Sunnic Group Independent. Director
  7. 易發精機股份有限公司 獨立董事 Easy Field Corporation. Independent Director
  8. 澄清醫院及豐原醫院 IRB委員 Cheng Ching Hospital & Fongyuan Hospital. IRB Member

歷任職務 Professional History:

  1. 國科會工工學門 前瞻議題與新興科技規劃 委員 Forward-Looking Topics and Emerging Technology Planning, Engineering and Technology Division, National Science Council. Committee member
  2. 中國工業工程學會 醫療管理推動委員會 召集人 Healthcare Management Promotion Committee, Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers. Convener
  3. 國科會 臺捷雙邊國際合作 研究計畫主特人 Taiwan-Czech Republic Bilateral International Cooperation Research Project, National Science Council. Principal investigator
  4. 國科會 優秀年輕學者 研究計畫主持人 Outstanding Young Scholar Research Project, National Science Council. Principal investigator
  5. 臺中榮總 IRB委員 Taichung Veterans General Hospital IRB Member

學術榮譽 Academic Honors:

  1. 教育部 第一屆 全園終身學習楷模獎  Ministry of Education First Annual Lifelong Learning Model Award
  2. 中華民國 科技管理學會 最高榮譽科技管理獎 Technology Management, Highest Honor in Technology Management Award Chinese Institute
  3. 中國工業工程學會 優秀青年工業工程師獎  Industrial Engineers, Outstanding Young Industrial Engineer Award. Chinese Institute
  4. 全國教師工會 總聯合會縣市SUPER教師獎  National Teachers’ Union, SUPER Teacher Award at the national level.
  5. 國科會工程司應用型產學成果海報 優良獎及特優獎 National Science Council, Engineering Division, Excellent Poster Award and Outstanding Poster Award for Applied Industry-Academia Achievements.
  6. 台灣醫務管理學會 全國醫管企劃競賽 團體卓越獎 Taiwan Healthcare Management Association, National Healthcare Management Planning Competition, Outstanding Team Award.

  • 職稱:理事(Directors)
  • 中文姓名:李名鏞
  • 英文姓名:MY Lee


  • 教授(Professor)


  • 靜宜大學資料科學暨大數據分析與應用學系(Department of Data Science and Big Data Analytics, Providence University)


現任職務 Current Positions:

  1. 靜宜大學  資料科學暨大數據分析與應用學系 副教授兼系主任 Department of Data Science and Big Data Analytics, Providence University. Associate Professor and Chairman
  2. 中山醫學大學 附設醫院與臺中榮民總醫院/人體研究倫理委員會 委員 Chung Shan Medical University Hospital and Taichung Veterans General Hospital Institutional Review Board(IRB). Member
  3. 中山醫學大學 附設醫院人體生物資料庫 委員 Chung Shan Medical University Hospital Biobank Member

歷任職務 Professional History:

  1. 中山醫學大學附設醫院 臨床試驗中心 臨床統計師 Clinical Trial Center, Chung Shan Medical University. Clinical Statistician
  2. 靜宜大學 統計資訊學系 助理教授 Department of Statistics and Information Science, Providence University Assistant Professor
  3. 衛生福利部 人體研究倫理委員會 查核委員 Research Ethic Committee, Ministry of Health and Welfare. Member

學術榮譽 Academic Honors:

  1. 中國機率統計學會(CIPS) 會員 Chinese Institute of Probability and Statistics (CIPS). Member
  2. 中國統計學會(CSA) 會員 Chinese Statistical Association (CSA). Member
  3. 台灣智慧科技與應用統計學會(ATITAS) 理事  Association of Taiwan Intelligent Technologies and Applied Statistics. Director
  4. 發表SCI 或 SSCI 期刊論文約50篇 Published around 50 SCI or SSCI journal papers
  5. 指導學生參加IMBD2022教育部 全國智慧製造大數據分析競賽獲得優等(第三名) Guided students to participate in the Ministry of Education’s National Smart Manufacturing Big Data Analysis Competition (IMBD2022) and achieved excellence (third place).

研究領域 Research Field:

  1. 衰變資料建模與壽命估計 Degraddation data modeling and lifetime estimation
  2. 最佳加速衰變實驗設計 Optimal Design of Accelerated Degradation Test
  3. 實驗設計 Experimental Design
  4. (製造)大數據分析 (Manufacture) Big Data Analysis
  5. 臨床試驗設計  Design of Clinical Trails

學歷 Degree:

  1. 清華大學統計研究所 博士 Ph.D. in Institute of Statistics, National Tsing Hua University

  • 職稱:理事(Directors)
  • 中文姓名:陳景翔
  • 英文姓名:Bluse Chen


  • 總經理 (General Manager)


  • 景鴻科技有限公司(CL Technology Co., Ltd.)


現任職務 Current Positions:

  1. 景鴻科技有限公司 總經理 CL Technology Co., Ltd. General Manager
  2. 佰驟智能股份有限公司 執行長 BOZO INTELLIGENT CO., LTD. CEO
  3. 無錫浩輝者新材料科技有限公司 技術長

經歷 Experience:

  1. 歐盟同步輻射中心ESRF 受訓學員  European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF) Trainee
  2. 中央研究院 原子與分子研究所 博士後研究員 Institute of Atomic and Molecular Sciences, Academia Sinica Postdoctoral Researcher
  3. 美國加州柏克萊化學所 訪問學者(PLE) Chemical Sciences Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA (PLE) Visiting Scholar
  4. 美國德州萊斯大學化學所 訪問學者 (Nano-PL) Department of Chemistry, Rice University, Texas, USA (Nano-PL) Visiting Scholar
  5. 美國弗羅里達超快光譜科技公司 訪問學者 (TRPL) Florida Ultrafast Spectroscopy and Technology Corporation, USA (TRPL) Visiting Scholar
  6. 美國麻省理工學院材料所與物理所 訪問學者 (Raman) Department of Materials Science and Engineering and the Department of Physics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA (Raman) Visiting Scholar
  7. 利泓科技有限公司 產品經理 Rightek Co., Ltd. Product Manager
  8. 韓國Uninanotech公司 技術長及國際行銷總監 Uninanotech Co., Ltd., South Korea. Technical Director and International Marketing Director
  9. 韓國亞洲(Ajou)大學物理所 訪問學者 (Ellipsometer model) Department of Physics, Ajou University, South Korea (Ellipsometer model) Visiting Scholar
  10. 長庚大學通識教育中心 客座教授 Center for General Education, Chang Gung University Visiting Scholar
  11. 台灣科技大學應用科技研究所 助理教授 Graduate Institute of Applied Science and Technology National Taiwan University of Science and Technology Assistant Professor
  12. 中央大學育成中心 創業導師 Center for Academia and Industry Collaboration Institute National Central University Entrepreneurship Mentor
  13. 廣西大學物理學院 客座教授 School of Physical Science and Technology, Guangxi University Adjunct Professor

學歷 Degree:

  1. 台灣科技大學化學工程 博士 Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology
  2. 加拿大皇家漢樑大學經營管理學 碩士 Master’s Degree in Business Administration, Royal Roads University, Canada

專長 Professional Qualification:

  1. 主要從事光譜技術於綠色能源材料與半導體材料之鑑定,以原位動態光譜技術為主要發展,可得知各種材料之完整物理化學特性,並建立完整的材料光譜身分證以作為材料在各大領域之可靠度依據。 Engaged in the identification of spectral techniques for green energy materials and semiconductor materials, with a focus on the development of in-situ dynamic spectral techniques. This approach allows the comprehensive understanding of the physical and chemical properties of various materials. Additionally, a complete material spectrum identification is established to serve as a reliability basis for materials in various fields.

  • 職稱:理事(Directors)
  • 中文姓名:高橋恭平
  • 英文姓名:Kyohei Takahashi


  • 總經理 (General Manager)


  • 台灣菱光社股份有限公司(Taiwan Ryokosha Co., Ltd.)


現任職務 Current Positions:

  1. 台灣菱光社股份有限公司 總經理 Taiwan Ryokosha Co., Ltd. General Manager 代表公司進行決策、負責日本菱光社集團台灣區業務  Responsible for decision-making on behalf of the Company and managing the operations of Japan Ryokosha Group in Taiwan.

專長 Expertise:

  1. 管理 Manage
  2. 品質保證  Quality Assurance
  3. 交涉 Negotiate
  4. 銷售 Sale
  5. 問題解決 Problem Solved
  6. 開發 Develop

職務經歷 Job Experience:

  1. 台灣菱光有限公司 總經理 Taiwan Ryokosha Co., Ltd. General Manager
    負責日本菱光社集團台灣區業務 Responsible for managing the operations of Japan Ryokosha Group in Taiwan.
  2. 光學機器營業課 台灣菱光社有限公司 課長 Optical Equipment Sales Department, Taiwan Ryokosha Co., Ltd. Section Manager負責銷售日本及台灣的檢查設備,可靠性測試機、測量設備以及分析儀。按照客戶需求製作客制化設備,從代理商角度檢查設備穩定性并且保障設備功能和穩定性。 In charge of sales for inspection equipment, reliability testing machines, measurement devices, and analyzers in both Japan and Taiwan. Customizes equipment based on customer requirements, evaluates equipment stability from the perspective of distributors, and ensures the functionality and stability of the equipment.

學歷 Degree:

  1. 國立成功大學 政治經濟學 碩士 Master’s Degree in Political Economy, National Cheng Kung University
  2. 國立成功大學 外國語文學 學士 Bachelor’s Degree in Foreign Languages and Literature, National Cheng Kung University

  • 職稱:候補理事(Alternate Directors)
  • 中文姓名:李寶珍
  • 英文姓名:Candy Lee


  • 品質長 (Cheif Quality Officer)


  • 台達電子公司, Delta Electronics Inc.


現任職務 Current Positions:

  1. 台達電子 企業品質本部 品質長 Delta Electronics Inc. Cheif Quality Officer (CQO)

學歷 Degree:

  1. 中原大學 商學院 碩士 Master’s degree from the College of Business at Chung Yuan Christian University

工作經歷 Work Experience:

  1. 台達電子 資深經理 電源事業群 品保主管 Delta Electronics, Inc. Senior Manager, QA head of Power Supply Business group
  2. 台達電子 經理、產品安全工程主管 Delta Electronics, Inc. Manager, Head of Product Safety Engineering

學歷 Degree:

  1. 國立成功大學 政治經濟學 碩士 Master’s Degree in Political Economy, National Cheng Kung University
  2. 國立成功大學 外國語文學 學士 Bachelor’s Degree in Foreign Languages and Literature, National Cheng Kung University

  • 職稱:候補理事(Alternate Directors)
  • 中文姓名:謝哲宏
  • 英文姓名:Terence Hsieh


  • 營運總監 (Head of Division)


  • 台灣檢驗科技股份有限公司, SGS Taiwan Ltd.


現任職務 Current Positions:

  1. 台灣檢驗科技股份有限公司可靠度實驗室, 營運總監  Reliability Lab, SGS Taiwan Ltd. Head of Division
    • 可靠度暨功能安全服務 Reliability and functional safety services 
    • 電池測試驗證服務 Battery testing and certification Services 
    • 車用電子可靠度測試服務 Automotive electronics reliability testing Services 
    • 材料與失效分析測試服務 Material Analysis and Failure Analysis

學歷 Degree:

  1. 交通大學 工學院 材料科學與工程研究所 碩士 Master’s Degree in Institute of Materials Science and Engineering, National Chiao Tung University

專長 Professional Qualification:

  1. 實驗室營運管理  Laboratory operations management TAF 
  2. 測試領域實驗室負責人資格 Laboratory Head License (TAF/ BSMI/ ISTA/ CTIA CATL) TAF
  3. 實驗室評審員訓練合格 TAF qualified Assessor for ISO/IEC 17025 TAF/ BSMI/ CBTL/ CTIA 
  4. 於電性、機械、可靠度、電池等相關ISO17025測試領域之核定報告簽署人 Authorized Report Signatory of TAF/ BSMI/ CBTL/ CTIA CTIA 1625/ 1725 
  5. 鋰單電池&電池組工廠稽核員資格 CTIA Battery qualified reviewer for IEEE 1725/ 1625

職務經歷 Work Experience:

  1. 榮周集團總管理處研發組材料實驗室技術 經理 R&D Division, SIRUS Group Technical. Manager 
  2. 台灣檢驗科技股份有限公司機械雜貨實驗室品質主管 Hardline Services Lab, SGS Taiwan Ltd. Quality Manager 
  3. 台灣檢驗科技股份有限公司可靠度實驗室, 營運總監 Reliability Lab, SGS Taiwan Ltd. Head of Division
  4. 重要貢獻:
    • 擁有超過28年的可靠度、材料分析、機械測試和功能安全服務經驗。Over 28 years’ experience in Reliability, Material Analysis, Mechanical Testing and Functional Safety services.
    • 自2011年起擔任部門經理,在台灣建立可靠度實驗室並負責盈虧。Built up reliability lab in Taiwan and in charge of profit and lost since 2011 as department manager.
    • 在台灣設立了4個可靠度實驗室,專注於一般可靠度、電池、汽車電子和伺服器產業。Established 4 reliability labs across Taiwan, focusing on general reliability, battery, auto electronics, and server industries.
    • 自2017年以來,在7年內5次獲得SGS台灣年度績效卓越獎。Won 5 times SGS Taiwan Annual Performance Excellence Award within 7 years since 2017.

  • 職稱:候補理事(Alternate Directors)
  • 中文姓名:陳志豪
  • 英文姓名:Chee-How Tan


  • 副總裁暨台灣董事總經理 (Vice President and Managing Director)


  • 台灣英飛凌科技股份有限公司, Infineon Technologies Taiwan Co., Ltd.


現任職務 Current Positions:

  1. 英飛凌科技副總裁 Vice President of Infineon Technologies 
  2. 英飛凌消費、計算與通訊業務大中華區技術行銷負責人 Technical Marketing Head of Consumer, Computing & Communication, Infineon Technologies Greater China
  3. 英飛凌科技台灣董事總經理 Managing Director of Infineon Taiwan

經歷 Experience:

  1. 在半導體業界擁有超過 30 年的深厚經驗,歷任半導體研發、製程、應用等領域 30+ years of experience of semiconductor R&D, manufacturing process and applications. 
  2. 2015 年起擔任電源與感測系統事業部大中華區電源管理技術協理,負責應用開發、產品推廣及客戶技術支援 Technical Director of Power and Sensor Systems (PSS) Division at the Greater China region since 2015, mainly responsible for application development, product promotion and customer technical support. 
  3. 2020年10月升任英飛凌電源與感測系統事業部大中華區副總裁 Vice President of Infineon Greater China for PSS since Oct. 2020.
  4. 2023年10月接任英飛凌台灣董事總經理 Managing Director of Infineon Taiwan since Oct 2023. 
  5. 曾旅居德國慕尼黑、新加坡、台灣、西安、深圳等地,對於領導跨區域及多元文化的團隊也有豐富的經驗 In his enriching career, he has lived in various places such as Munich, Singapore, Taiwan, Xi’an, Shenzhen, and has gained valuable experience in leading teams across regions and diverse cultures.

學歷 Degree:

  1. 美國亞利桑那州立大學  固態物理碩士學位 Master’s degree in Solid State Physics, Arizona State University, USA
  2. 台灣大學電機系  學士學位 Bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan University

專長 Professional Qualification:

  1. 功率半導體 Power Semiconductor
  2. 物聯網 IOT


  • 職稱:常務監事(Executive Supervisor)
  • 中文姓名:柯明道
  • 英文姓名:Ming-Dou Ker


  • 教授(Professor)


  • 國立陽明交通大學電子研究所(Institute of Electronics, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University)


現任職務 Current Positions:

  1. 國立陽明交通大學 電子研究所 講座教授  Institute of Electronics, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University. Chair Professor
  2. 國立陽明交通大學 生醫電子轉譯研究中心 中心主任 Biomedical Electronics Translational Research Center (BETRC), National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University. Director
  3. 台灣生醫電子工程協會 常務監事(監事長) Taiwan Engineering Medicine Biology Association (TWEMBA). Chief Supervisor
  4. 台灣靜電放電防護工程學會 常務監事(監事長) Taiwan ESD Association (T-ESDA). Chief Supervisor
  5. 國際電機電子工程師學會 中華民國分會 常務監事(監事長) IEEE Taipei Section. Chief Supervisor
  6. 國際期刊編輯  IEEE Transactions on Device and Materials Reliability. Editor
  7. 國際期刊編輯 IEEE Journal of the Electron Devices Society. Editor

歷任職務 Professional History:

  1. 國立陽明交通大學 前瞻半導體研究所 所長 Institute of Pioneer Semiconductor Innovation, Industry Academia Innovation School, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University. Director
  2. 國立陽明交通大學 電子研究所 特聘教授 National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University Distinguished Professor
  3. 國立交通大學 光電學院 院長  College of Photonics, National Chiao-Tung University, Dean
  4. 奈米國家型科技計畫 執行長 National Program on Nano Technology (NPNT). Executive Director
  5. 晶片系統國家型科技計畫 執行長 National Program on System-on-Chip (NSoC). Executive Director
  6. 晶片系統國家型科技計畫 分項召集人 National Program on System-on-Chip (NSoC). Convener
  7. 晶片系統國家型科技計畫 副執行長 National Program on System-on-Chip (NSoC). Associate Director

  • 職稱:監事(Supervisor)
  • 中文姓名:陳家明
  • 英文姓名:Steven Chen


  • 副總經理 (Vice President)


  • 薪威科技有限公司, SIMWEB INC.


現任職務 Current Positions:

  1. 薪威科技有限公司  副總經理 SIMWEB INC. Vice President

可靠度輔導產業 Reliability Consulting Experience:

  1. 資訊科技與硬體製造  IT & Hardware Manufacturing
  2. 電信與通訊技術 Telecommunications & Communication Technology
  3. 航太與國防 Aerospace & Defense
  4. 交通與運輸 Transportation & Logistics
  5. 電子測試與認證 Electronic Testing & Certification
  6. 研究與發展 R&D Institutions

經歷 Experiece:

  1. 可靠度顧問輔導資歷24年以上 A reliability consultant with over 24 years of experience
  2. 輔導百大業界智慧工廠模擬驗證 Providing guidance to the top 100 industries in smart factory simulation and verification

學歷 Degree:

  1. 逢甲大學工業工程與系統管理學系碩士 Master’s degree in Industrial Engineering and Systems Management, Feng Chia University.

專長 Professional Qualification:

  1. 可靠度 Reliability
  2. 智慧工廠  Smart Factory
  3. 最佳化  Optimization
  4. 精實再造流程 Lean Process Reengineering
  5. 大數據分析 Big Data Analytics

  • 職稱:監事(Supervisor)
  • 中文姓名:林義貴
  • 英文姓名:YK Lin


  • 教授(Professor)


  • 國立陽明交通大學工業工程與管理學系(Department of Industrial Engineering and Management, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University.)


現任職務 Current Positions:

  1. 國立陽明交通大學工業工程與管理學系 講座教授 (電機工程學系/電信工程所/太空系統工程所合聘) Department of Industrial Engineering and Management, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University. Chair Professor
  2. 國科會工業工程與管理學門 召集人 Industrial Engineering and Management Program. National Science and Technology Council. Convener
  3. 中國工業工程學會 常務理事 Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers. Executive director
  4. 教育部高等教育深耕計畫特色研究中心 複審委員 Higher Education Sprout Project-The Featured Areas Research Center Program. Reviewer
  5. 國際學術期刊 編輯 Annals of Operations Research. Editor
  6. 國際學術期刊 副編輯 IEEE Transactions on Reliability. Associate Editor
  7. 國際學術期刊 副編輯 Quality Technology & Quantitative Management. Associate Editor

歷任職務 Professional History:

  1. 臺灣科技大學工業管理系 講座教授 Department of Industrial Management, National Taiwan University of Science & Technology. Chair Professor
  2. 萬能科技大學資訊管理系 教授 Department of Information Management, Vanung University. Professor
  3. 萬能科技大學管理學院 院長 College of Management, Vanung University. Dean
  4. 萬能科技大學學生事務處 學務長 Office of Student Affair, Vanung University. Dean of Student Affair
  5. 中國工業工程學會 副秘書長 / 理事 / 監事 Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers. Deputy Secretary-general / Director / Supervisor
  6. 臺灣作業研究學會 理事長 Operations Research Society of Taiwan. President
  7. 行政院亞洲.矽谷執行中心 顧問 Asia Silicon Valley Development Agency. Consultant

學術榮譽 Academic Honors:

  1. 國科會 傑出特約研究員獎 National Science and Technology Council. Merit Research Fellow
  2. 國科會 傑出研究獎 (三次) Ministry of Science and Technology Council. Outstanding Research Award (three times)
  3. 中國工業工程學會 會士 Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers. Fellow
  4. ISSAT 研究獎 / 領導獎 International Society of Science and Applied Technologies (ISSAT). Research Award / Leadership Award
  5. 中國工業工程學會 工業工程獎章-學術貢獻類 Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers. Industrial Engineer Award – Distinguished Research
  6. 中國工業工程學會 優秀青年工業工程師獎 Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers. Excellent Young Industrial Engineer Award
  7. 中華民國管理科學學會 呂鳳章先生獎章 Chinese Management Association. Lu Feng-Zhang Memorial Award

  • 職稱:候補監事(Alternate Supervisor)
  • 中文姓名:李宜真
  • 英文姓名:I-Chen Lee


  • 教授(Professor)


  • 國立成功大學統計學系(Department of Statistics, National Cheng Kung University.)


現任職務 Current Positions:

  1. 國立成功大學 統計學系 副教授 Department of Statistics, National Cheng Kung University. Associate Professor 
  2. 榕園統計文教基金會 秘書長 Banyan Garden Statistics Culture and Educational Foundation. Secretary-general
  3. 國科會計畫及中科院計畫 計畫主持人  National Science and Technology Council and National Chung-Shan Institute of Science and Technology. Principal Investigator

歷任職務 Professional History:

  1. 國立成功大學統計系 助理教授  Department of Statistics, National Cheng Kung University. Assistant Professor 
  2. 清華大學統計研究所博士後研究員  Institute of Statistics, National Tsing Hua University. Postdoctoral Research Fellow

學術榮譽 Academic Honors:

  1. 中國機率統計學會 (CIPS) 會員 Chinese Institute of Probability and Statistics (CIPS). Member
  2. 在國際會議上發表了10 多場演講 More than 10 talks presented at international conferences
  3. 發表SCI期刊論文10篇及2篇專書論文 Published 10 SCI journal papers and 2 refereed book chapters

研究領域 Research Field:

  1. 衰變資料建模與壽命估計  Degradation Data Modeling and Lifetime Estimation
  2. 最佳加速衰變實驗設計  Optimal Design of Accelerated Degradation Test 
  3. 貝氏可靠度實驗設計 Bayesian Experimental Design for Reliability Testing
  4. 應變(力)-壽命曲線建模與估計  Modeling of Strain (stress)-Life (S-N) Curves

學歷 Degree:

  1. 清華大學統計研究所 博士 Ph.D. in Statistics, National Tsing Hua University


  • 職稱:秘書長(Secretary-general)
  • 中文姓名:王建智
  • 英文姓名:CC Wang


  • 教授(Professor)


  • 明志科技大學工業工程與管理系 (Department of Industrial Engineering and Management, Ming Chi University of Technology)


現任職務 Current Positions:

  1. 明志科技大學 工業工程與管理系 教授 Department of Industrial Engineering and Management, Ming Chi University of Technology. Professor
  2. 明志科技大學 智慧載具研發中心/可靠度工程研究中心 教授Intelligent Vehicle Research and Development Center Reliability Engineering Center Ming Chi University of Technology. Professor
  3. 工業工程與管理系統期刊 領域編輯 Industrial Engineering and Management System Area Editor on Applied Statistics and Data Mining
  4. 品質雜誌 副主編  Journal of Quality. Associate Editor
  5. 國科會工業工程與管理學門 審議委員 Industrial Engineering and Management Program. National Science and Technology Council. Review Committee Member
  6. 國科會工程處機電領域 複審委員 Department of Engineering and Technologies. National Science and Technology Council. Reexamination Committee Member
  7. 產業電子化運籌管理學會 常務理事 Electronic Business Management Society. Executive Director

歷任職務 Professional History:

  1. 明志科技大學 工業工程與管理系 主任 Department of Industrial Engineering and Management, Ming Chi University of Technology. Director
  2. 明志科技大學 校務研究辦公室 主任 Office of Institutional Research, Ming Chi University of Technology. Director
  3. 明志科技大學 育成中心 主任 Incubation Center, Ming Chi University of Technology. Director
  4. 社團法人中國工業工程學會 副秘書長 Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers. Deputy Secretary-General
  5. 國科會工業工程與管理學門 執行秘書 Industrial Engineering and Management Program. National Science and Technology Council. Executive Secretary
  6. 國科會工業工程與管理學門 複審委員 Industrial Engineering and Management Program. National Science and Technology Council. Reexamination Committee Member
  7. 國科會工業工程與管理學門 服務系統與科技管理 規劃委員 Service Systems and Technology Management, Industrial Engineering and Management Program. National Science and Technology Council. Planning Committee Member

學術榮譽 Academic Honors:

  1. 中國工業工程學會 永久會員 Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers. Lifetime Member
  2. 中華民國品質學會 永久會員 Chinese Society for Quality. Lifetime Member
  3. 產業電子化運籌管理學會 永久會員 Electronic Business Management Society. Lifetime Member
  4. 中華民國品質學會品質個人獎 (2017) Chinese Society for Quality. Personal Quality Award (2017)
  5. 持續每年至少主持一件國科會計畫(2001~) Principal Investigator for at least one National Science Council project each year (2001–present)
  6. 發表期刊論文約80篇 Published approximately 80 journal articles
  7. 執行產學計畫約70件  Executed around 70 industry-academia projects
  8. 國科會特殊優秀人才獎勵  National Science and Technology Council. Special Outstanding Talent Award
  9. 聚陽產學應用論文獎 Ju Yang Industry-Academia Applied Paper Award
  10. 工業工程優良論文獎  Industrial Engineering. Excellent Paper Award
  11. 品質學會品質論文獎  Chinese Society for Quality. Quality Paper Award
  12. 由田機器視覺獎 Yutian Machine Vision Award

  • 職稱:秘書(Secretary)
  • 中文姓名:何妍霖
  • 英文姓名:Yelena Ho


  • 碩士生(Master)


  • 國立中央大學資訊管理學系(Department of Information Management, National Central University)


現任職務 Current Positions:

  1. 國立中央大學 資訊管理學系 研究助理 Department of Information Management, National Central University. Research Assistant
  2. 長庚大學 工商管理學系 研究助理 Department of Industrial and Business Management, Chang Gung University. Research Assistant

獲得獎項 Award:

  1. 斐陶斐榮譽學會 會員 The Phi Tau Phi Scholastic Honor Society of the Republic of China. Member
  2. 長庚大學第十七屆資訊工程學系畢業專題展 第三名The 17th Annual Computer Science and Information Engineering Graduation Project Exhibition at Chang Gung University. Third Place